T and I decided to head over to the LA County Fair on Saturday to see it before it closed. We head out on the 5 to the 55 to the 91 to the 57 to the 60 to the 71 to the 10 (= 339, he he). We get off at Fairplex and merge in with the rest of the fair traffic. It is getting hot, and I am in my full leather coat. We get up to the ticket person, and she informs us that parking is $8. No biggie. But wait...$8 a bike! That's $16 just to park, that's not counting admission! Needless to say I didn't see the fair. The OC County fair lets bikes park for free, and even has reserved parking for them. Just one more way that OC is better than LA.
The same thing happened two years ago at the Calendar Show at the Queen Mary. They didn't plan this event out very well, and the Queen Mary parking lot was full. The event planners didn't set aside any room for motorcycle parking near the motorcycle event. So they instructed everyone to go park at the structure near the Aquarium. We get there and notice there are warnings all over that motorcycles shouldn't park in the structure. T gets through the gate arm okay, but my Vulcan was so light it didn't trip the arm. I had to ride around, and didn't get a validation ticket. So we walk the mile to the show, hang around a few HOT hours, and then walk the mile back to the bikes. We ride down the spiral ramp to exit and have to stop on a decline to wait for the cars in front of us. I ask T the cost of parking so I can get my money out, and it says right there on the sign $9 per motorcycle. Absurd! We had parked with three other bikes in one spot, and they want $18 for the two of us, in a structure we were warned not to park in in the first place? Well the car in front of us needed to back up for something, and the dumbass parking attendant asked us if we could back up our bikes to let the car back up. Um, no. He wanted us to back up 400 and 600 lbs. of motorcycle up an incline? Yeah, no. So we just road around the car, past the gate arm, and out onto the road. No $9 per bike, and no struggling to straddle-walk a 400 lb. bike backwards up a hill.
Huntington Beach recently changed their parking rules for bikes. Not sure when the law actually changed, but when T and I road there during Labor Day weekend, I almost got ticketed. T usually backs in his bike into a spot, and then to make sure no one parks in front of us and blocks us in, I then pull in front of him. So we parked this way in HB, and then sat down for lunch, almost in front of the bikes. We were eating our appetizers when T pointed to my bike and asked me why a cop would be writing me a ticket. I jump up and run over there and asked the 'traffic enforcer' what the problem was. Apparently motorcycles have to be backed into a spot, and the rear tire needs to be touching or near the curb. Bikes are not allowed to park in front of other bikes. You can fit 3 sports bikes across in a space, but they have to be next to each other. I promised to move my bike right then, and he voided my ticket. The law makes sense, but it is a hassle now to find parking.
I'm just venting. In my reasoning motorcycles take up half the room, and should only be charged half the price of parking and toll roads, etc. Maybe one day.
19 hours ago