Since I was in Utah the past week, I was unable to ride for a whole 7 days! Can you believe it? I couldn't have ridden in UT anyway, because it was sooo cold and icy there. Cold as in 12* F when I landed!
So my two uncles decided to plan a ride to stretch my legs. Uncle S had just dropped something like 3 grand into his new Harley and was eager to try out his new Highway Bars. Uncle T decided a trip up PCH to Neptune's Net would be the perfect ride. Uncle S meet up at my place and we started out at about 10:30.
I was moderately bundled as the weather had said it was supposed to be warm. Moderately bundled = heavy jacket, fingerless leather gloves, full face helmet, regular socks, and no chaps. This was fine riding inland, but when we hit the coastal areas, it was cold! I had to quickly pull on my unlined leather gloves (over my fingerless ones, that was uncomfortable) during a stop light to warm up my hands and to stop the wind from blowing up my sleeves.
We made it up through OC alright, Long Beach was okay, but after that the moving got slow. I guess there was a bike race (bicycle) that day. I was passed a sign warning of street closures due to the "BIKERACE" and puzzled over what a Biker-Ace was during the red light.
Things picked up again and we were cruising right up along the coast. We hit Santa Monica and could see the ocean and the rocks. There was a cool house we passed under in Santa Barbara. The house was hanging off the cliff, over the road! I made friends with a guy on a sports bike who was trying to weave his way past all the cruisers. We were stopped for something and started up a conversation about my hair glove ( He wanted to know where he could get one for his girlfriend.
We continued along Santa Barbara, Malibu, and into Ventura. At this point it was very chilly and my butt was ready for a break. Right as my odometer hit 102 miles, we pulled into Neptune's Net. The parking lot was crammed! we finally fond a few spots somethat close to each other and parked. As I was walking away from my bike, I remembered my hat and turned around to get it out. Out of the corner of my eye I saw this biker ride past with a bunch of long curly black hair following. I recognized that hair! It was Robert (10yearsafter)! I waved like mad and the he spotted me just before he turned the corner. I waited a few moments, and back he came. It is so weird, but Robert is the only biker I bump into when out riding. T and I had also seen him at the LB International Motorcycle show back in January? December? I can't remember. Sadly he was just leaving. We made planned to organize a ride past El Campion in San Juan Capistrano. We introduced him to it during a ride last year, and he loves the food there.
Lunch was a big plate of steamed shrimp and two steaming bowls of clam chowder with a few New Castles. Yummy, there were even left-overs.
Since Uncle S. had to get back for a date, we decided to head home via the freeway. We gassed up in Santa Monica and jumped onto the 101. It was slow going at times, but Uncle S isn't too comfortable with lane splitting so we just road it out. We separated at the 57 and continued down to the 55, the 5 and home.
A long ride, but beautiful. Great food at the end.
10 hours ago
Hey Angi,
Have a question for you - what is your opinion of the Hair Glove?? Are they worth the cash?? My g/f has long hair and is always complaining about getting the tangles out so I'm thinking I should get her one. Can you post some pix of yours on you??
Keep on blogging!!
Glad to see you on my site! I updated my links to include your site.
As for the hair glove, I love mine! I had a 8" one that I constatly used until I cut a foot of my hair off. I had to go out and buy a 4" one! I loved them so much I made a few with some leather my dad shipped to me. I will post a few pix this coming week!
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