Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Devil Dolls MC

I sent my membership request off to Devil Dolls today. While it looks like they are mostly a No. Cal group, I am hoping they have a few So. Cal riders.

Check them out here: West Coast Devil Dolls.

Can't wait to see if I can join!


Kathleen Jennette on April 06, 2006 10:43 PM said...

Ahahh the Devil Dolls... Angi have you seen the motorcycle lady discovery channel documentary? You would like it if you haven't yet. My friend Stella knows Michell Dell of Hogs & Hiefer and Claudia Barash corresponds via e-mail with me of the Lady Liberty Ride in NY. They are great ladies and they traveled with Sasha Mullins and Gothgirl of the DD in SF. Check out Biker Lady the book if you haven't already.
I envy the fact that you can wrench!

Unknown on January 17, 2010 5:30 PM said...

Still interested? We are in SoCal so let me know if you'd like more info

-Kate, Devil Dolls MC

Unknown on January 17, 2010 6:43 PM said...



Angi the Biker Chick