I have mentioned my friend Tay in here before. He is this big bear of a guy I meet in my jewelry design and fabriacation class last fall. He does ride (actually just got himself a new Harley) but he alos does custome metal and fabrication work for many of the builders here in So. Cal. He told me about this one guy named Johnny Chop who had a shop in Wesminister. I cruised over to his site and chaecked out his work. He had a bunch of really cool frames and handelbars. Tay wanted me to contact Johnny to see about getting some roll bars put on my Vulcan, since, as I have mentioned before, the Vulcan 500 had no after market accessories to speak of. Sadly I was very strapped for cash at the time and hesitant to even venture a call or a ride to his shop to even chat or get an estimate.
Anyhoo, Tay called me on Sunday to let me know that Johnny had passed away on March 28th of heart failure at the age of 33. Johhny spent the beginning of his carrer in Chica's shop in Huntington Beach.
Stop by the sites and take a look at Johhny's genius. I wish now I had not let money hinder my desire to learn about choppers and to meet some of the key people in chopper customizing right now. I won't let another chance slip by.
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10 hours ago
Hey Angi,
You still around??? Havent seen much action either here or on motorcyclebloggers.com from you for a while. Hope all is ok
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