Sorry for the lack of new content on here. My apologies. I went on vacation to SLC, UT and left all the cares of computers behind, except to order a gift online for Father's Day and to get directions from Google Maps. But that was it!
So now I am back to the daily grind. While I am pleased to see gas prices dropped almost $.20 while I was gone (from $3.42 to $3.22), I do miss the gas priced I saw in UT. The cheapest was at the Maverick for $2.71. I kid you not! (For those of you in the area, please confirm this). However, the lowest octane you can get in UT is 85 while the lowest in CA (at least in my area) is 87. The next highest octane in UT is 88 (wtf?) and then 91 I believe, while CA goes to 87 then 91. I just don't get it. I believe it has to do with a higher altitude and therefore thinner air and therefore something to do with the engine combustion, blah blah blah...
So while I was able to enjoy cheaper gas, I was stuck driving my Dad's Tank around, and boy does that thing go through gas! The 'Tank' is my and my sisters nick name for my Dad's truck. It is a 1 ton Ford F350 4 door extended bed truck. And it's gray (hence the name 'Tank'). I use to drive this thing back in my High School days. (And just to add salt to some peoples wounds, that was only 5 years ago. Neener, neener, neener!)
I kid. One thing that I was not use to in UT was the helmet laws (or lack there of). A helmet is required if you are under 21, but after that it is up to you. I am not going to get into a whole big discussion on helmet laws, but to me it was weird to see people cruisin' and speedin' around with no helmet on. Nuf said.
On a more positive note, I did see quite a few solo female riders! Kudos to you all! During my 10 day visit, I had to have seen 4 or 5 women out cruisin' about. It made me miss my bike even more.
So that is where I have been and some of what I have been up to. For a more in depth read of my vacation (more wedding, less motorcycle) visit
Ride Happy!
19 hours ago
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