It has been a very slow couple of weeks for riding. I think I have gone soft. Two years ago (the rainiest year in 100 years for Cali) I didn't have a car and I road rain (mostly rain) and shine. Freezing and sweating. I put 20k miles on my motorcycle that year.
I have now gone soft. If the morning isn't warmer than 55* in the morning, I just don't want to ride! I have also turned somewhat girlier in that I don't want to have to pack a nice set of clothes to change into once I get to work. I also like having my hair nice and done in the morning, not always wearing a braid. I also have put on a few pounds, and my leather chaps are right at the point where they are almost uncomfortably to tight. No chaps means colder riding, and as I have already explained, I'm soft.
Superbowl Sunday was the last I road. I needed some specialty yarn and road a total of 50 miles just hitting yarn shops. Then I just cruised as the day was SOOOOO nice! It was warm, but not hot. Perfect weather for a light leather jacket, or even just a t-shirt (if you are so inclined). Just the kind of day when you feel like you can just ride forever.
So not a lot of riding = not a log of riding posts. It has also been on-and-off rainy for the past week. Storm clouds have been a threatin'.
I am determined to make up for this lack of riding, as soon as it warms up and clears up!!!
In other motor related news, I was in an accident Tuesday night. I am perfectly fine, but my car is dinged up. Someone changed lanes into me as we were getting onto the freeway. Working on getting it repaired. Just want you all to be careful out there!
10 hours ago
I can relate to the feeling that the riding ardor and courage is in decline. Last winter I rode almost constantly, even in snow. This winter I have mellowed a bit. Still go out when it is cold and dry but not as likely this season to brave the snow.
It feels like the right thing to do but it feels wrong too....
Steve Williams
Scooter in the Sticks
When my bike was newer, I'd be out in pretty cold weather. I'm finding myself to be a little more selective, too. Glad you're okay and that you weren't on your bike.
Have a great week,
Betty :)
I'm the same way. Riding at one point in my life was a not only a passion, but a necessity. Now it takes prime weather and smooth roads to get me out. I still love to ride and I will ride every (nice day) chance I get, but riding in the rain is not for me.
I work for and a lot of the guys here ride. For the most part we all feel like we have gotten soft. We have been planning a ride to thicken our skin. A group of us were going to take a ride through Bankhead National Forest and do some camping/riding... doubtful it will come though, but it sounds like a good idea.
That's cool to ride in cold weather.But I seldom ride out in cold or rainy day.I made quite a few biker girl friends on We often ride out in good whether.You can check out my motocycling stories on my blog!
I am going to hold an riding event. Anyone interested, please leave a message on my blog
Whatever be the season : Bikers are HOT !
I hear ya....cold, rain, snow...I'd rather stay home!!
I'll do it if I have to...but if I don't well, I won't.
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